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Have you realized that you alone can't carry your company to the finish line? But you alone must be the one to make the changes in yourself that will change the culture—and, therefore, the trajectory—of your company. If you are ready to transform yourself and your company, you're ready for an executive coach.
I’m Rhett Power. I’ve coached executives, teams, and startup founders most relevant brands and companies on the planet.
or yell, wield psychological manipulation, stir up deep childhood trauma, I can’t spell Wim Hof without Googling him (just like it sounds), I don’t have a morning routine I'm going to sell you, and I don’t make videos of myself running shirtless marathons (that’s me time, people). To me, the good folks who do that are all about the new way.
Nothing shirtless.
But a lot of rolling up our sleeves and being uber accountable to ourselves and to our organizations.
The root of many problems within our companies can often be found within ourselves. As leaders and decision-makers, our choices and actions can profoundly impact the organization. Acknowledging this reality is the first step towards effectively addressing and resolving these challenges.
Head over to my executive coaching page, where I break it all down. And if you’re ready to talk now, you can use this calendar to set up a time.
If none of this sounds interesting, grab some tea and please enjoy this recent interview with Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love; Big Magic; and City of Girls on my LinkedIn podcast Power Lunch Live.
Thank you!
Rhett Power and Cynthia Johnson, both accomplished authors, entrepreneurs, and speakers, co-host Best Seller TV, interviewing fellow authors about their nonfiction books. With their expertise and engaging style, they create insightful and captivating conversations. Rhett's dynamic charisma and Cynthia's thoughtful approach make for a winning combination beyond mere promotion, offering viewers a deep dive into authors' minds. Watch on Apple TV, Roku and Hulu.
I returned to Davos, Switzerland, and the World Economic Forum in January to speak at the opening of Greek House Davos and host The Webit Foundations Global Pitch competition. The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas.
My session focused on confronting the critical challenges companies face: employee disengagement, biased performance evaluations, unproductive meetings, ambiguous managerial roles, and alarming employee attrition. These issues, particularly in a recession-threatened economy disrupted by COVID, necessitate a strategic reevaluation of our people and performance management methods. Drawing from my experience where an effective accountability system led to a staggering 1300% growth during an economic downturn, I'll provide insights into crafting a resilient business strategy. The key takeaway will be to introduce an equitable, effective accountability structure that drives growth and transforms your culture into one that inspires employees to embrace the mission and cultivate a more fulfilling work environment.
"Think big" and "Dream big" are inspiring mantras for envisioning your fledgling business. But as an entrepreneur, particularly at the outset, it's crucial to swap grandiose thinking for "accountability" when it's action time. My keynote will empower your audience with the knowledge that Accountability is the True Catalyst for Monumental Results. Accountability can be your X Factor. So let's turn big dreams into tangible achievements together.
Rhett talks to entrepreneurs about how they overcome their toughest challenges.
Rhett's writes about helping individuals improve their well-being and performance.
Rhett covers management and leadership in his weekly column The Corner Office.
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